Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009 ! Hello 2010

Im so glad that new year is just around the corner ! this year has been so rough on me ! Its mostly about friendships being tested ! alot went on this year ! Like as if this year was the most important year of my meer high school life ! all in all i learnt o so many lessons ! both from god and my friends ! I learnt the true meaning of friendship , thanks too the o so helpful hands of my church friends Jaclyn, janice, mandy, selena, huei minn , eugenia, jonathan , John , ALEX, ZK, Jo Fann ! I just wanna really thannk u guys because without u guys this year would have been such a disaster ! It was just great hanging out ,going missions trip ! laughing so much during conference ! Its definitely a memory that i have captured and am gonna keep till forever ! Being a form2 this year was such a blessing and i owe this all to God who planned this thousands of years ago ! It was so awesome even hanging out wit the form 4s this year ! Now we are one tight bunch ! How amazing is that !We have a God who is master o all plans of our present and our future ! Our beginning and definitely not our end ! A God who can actually breathe stars out of his mouth ! That phrase starbreather is just so amazing ! And this year God opened my eyes to all his beauty and his majesty and love ! at the beginning of this year i was really dreading for this year to even come but now i am dreading for this year to end ! I am so gonna miss this awesome year ! This is gonna be my last post of the year ! Heres to an awesome awesome 2010 !!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Live. Revolution Amplified , the sequel

Ok this might be a little late but who cares la ! So for me at the beginning i was so siked ! But some things happenened ! and when it came so close to my birthday which was on the 18th of December ! I couldn care less about my birthday i didnt really care anymore i didnt care anymore what happenend at the conference ! Even on my birthday my friends tried their best to cheer me up but it didnt work ! i guess for me i had been true alot ! in friendship terms ! but my birthday was a turni8ng point for me !

When rose had called out the myanmar kids during her message and her demonstration ! I just felt sad for them ! How bless we are and we didnt really appreciate it and how little they have and they make the best out of it ! and so i just started to tear endlessly ! and I figured out why eventually ! I felt as if God was calling me to help them ! Before this i felt like i can connect wit them ! I was just so easy making friends wit them and talking and playing wit them compared to with my everyday friends ! i HAVENT REALLY DONE ANYTHING ABOUT THIS CALLING YET BUT AS I AM WRITTING THIS GOD IS GIVING ME IDEAS ! WHAT TO DO WHEN I AM WITH THEM ! WHAT TO DO WHEN I AM AT HOME ! so many things i can do ! that can help them even more and i was just so blind before that i couldnt see it ! bUT I am o so thankful now !

So after the message ! I was suprised wit a cake ! But wat u guys dont know is that i knew the cake was coming when i accidently turned around before u guys could circle around ! hehe i was just acting a long wit it hehe ! And now i am really learning the true meaning of friendship ! and i really am gonna try my best to continue wit it !I was just so surprised abouthow hard u guys tried to make me feel happy all over again and that just struck me !

Thanks u guys for all the encouragement that yal have been giving me true out this year ! and the awesome thing about it was that God specifically planned it on my 14th birthday ! How cool ! and the girl that i really am thankful for who just helped me so much to pull through my problems i Jaclyn ! You just really helped me ! Thanks for that =) i love u guys ! just like the bible says " and the greatest of this is love"

Love, Jedida ! God bless =)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Childrens Camp 2009

I was blessed enough to be chosen to go for the childrens camp on the 1st to 5th december at Genting Highlands ! I loved it ! it was awesome fun ! the worship on the last day was just amazing for me ! and im sure for everyone else to ! I made new friends and revived old ones too! hmmm juicy secrets were revealed ! haha ! and my phone battery got lost in the middle of all of it ! i have no idea how or who took it out of the phone ! hmmm I tend to loose my phone alot ! but after emoing about and also praying one of the teachers found the battery ! I loved every bit and part of the camp and wished it could have been longer ! I met alot of new friends and laughed alot and cracked lame jokes haha ! those who went will know winnie the shitt =) smiles ! Sorry to anyone i offended ! The helpers were great fun to hang out with ! i learned a few things about everyone ! hmm let me think ! haha rj is scared of popping balloons( i still dont understand why) haha and is crazy for junk food .Rj even had a few admirers who wanted his autograph and maybe his number haha! that explains why he couldnt or didnt really dare do those exercise thingy ! jon had a few admirers and a very merry indian enemy haha in camp and so did ben had a few supporters linning up to get his autograph! petrina was defined as angel in our dorm i think because everyone things she is innocent ! i personally dont think sooo !! hmm timothy was being stalked by cedric for his phone ! haha and nick was just plain funny la We had two team songs during the camp ! the chicken dance song and time to say good bye bye andrea bochelli and someone haha i 4got her name !It was just funny seeing all the teacher couples dance to these songs ! it was phenominal! funny right it was such a coincidence i heard this song today in the movie step brothers! It was like just awesome la ! i had loads of fun ! and hope next year i can go again =)below are the team songs! it was total funny seeing everyone dance to the songs ! the helpers were all denda'd to dance to the chicken song all because of aaron ! haha its all his fault ! we were all humiliated haha ! nah not really ! only charissa managed to get away ! for some reasons ! in the end it all worked out well ! and it was just so superb ! So sad i don have pics ! will get some soon !

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Misions Trip =)

Hey blog ! how are u ! i miss u ! haha ! hey peeps ! sorry i havent got down to updating it ! I just felt like it today ! so i had a total awesome tastic time in slim river perak !


Had a great experience painting the church and having fun with the kids playing harimau dan kambing. Had good food and great bonding time=) playing upin and ipin and also mafiaaa ! some people just love to cheat huh ! haha not pointing fingers =)

Day 2:

Woke up at ermmm 7 i think went for a short walk around the neighbourhood ! Went to 2 villages hmm 1 i was not suppose to lead worship ! but bcoz of someone Which name is 4letters and start with a j and ends with an N ! just couldnt lead and made me lead just when the song started ! and i got my revenge when he had to pray in bm ! muahahaha ! =) I was a little insy bitsay nervous when doing my testomony but it went great! WE played games with kids and colored with them ! thanks to jans awesome artistic skills =) I was depressed after that because it didnt go as planned . tHE 2ND VILLAGE WAS COOL TOO =) I van got stuck in the mudd ! and the guys had to push the van. We had an awesome dinner at a chinese restaurant =)Had a great bonding time with jan sel and jac ! secrets were revealed =)and oh ya =) jon was high on sweets and got nicknamed by rose . The name is only known by the mission trip goers only =)I dont know how but he was practically jittering in his seat which ps was the floor =) janices or jaclyns praying place was replaced by upin the retarded pillow =)

Day 3:

Had a good devotions time.when to the next village and had a great time with the village and the kids at the same village we went to , to paint on the first day =) mandy got a little over her histeria of cats =) janice thought the kids to say sawadikap ! the older girls followed us to the next village where jac led worship ! it was good and the sharing by jon, jasmine and bernard was also good ! the kids had fun playing games with the prodigal son group !

Lastly we wnet to ipoh and met cute horseys at teh stud farm ! jon kept asking the vetenarian questions about whether there are any horses that are gay haha and more =) he just loved it ! some questions couldnt be answered we profisied that he would be the first person to find out the answer when he grew up .. lol ! the ride home was quiet in my persision for some reasons and delon just kept spam calling em ! i dunno how ! and then in the end i got over it and played mafia with the peeps and justin spoilt it by cheating =) and jons lousy mood ! In the end we played roses funny game called fuzzy wuzzy ! =) i and janice were the last to find out the trick !

Overal: it was the best trip i had been to ! will definitely go again ! secrets were revelaed but we all stood on the deal that wat we say in the van stays in th van and nicknames were made but thats all a secret that only the mission trp to slim river peeps know ! good luck trying to get it out of them =)

Friday, September 18, 2009

In an Absolut World

I an absolut world the world is seen at a different perspective. check out these videos .. its totally cool . Ps : the word absolut is actually the vodka brand name

Oh ya for the 3rd video . sorry for the bad language k !!!

Hari Raya + Exams = Exploding Brain

Hello Peoplez .. Sorry for not updating but now its holidays .. and i am in the hari raya holiday mood .. woohoo . Bring on the ketupat , rendang and lemang . Wow .Exams are rally close and i have been ignoring my study schedule .. Haha but i am restarting soon . I am ready to kickstart my brain and past my exam with flying colours .. So heres the subjects im worried about :

1. Mats

The rest im sure i will get above 60 i think .. haha
Sejarah because .. i cant remember facts .. Mats because i dont even understand a thing since form 1 .Science .. i also dont knwo why i get roten marks and geo to many topics ... haha .. I seriously think that my brain is going to explode before i can even sit for the exam haha .. that would be totally awesome la .. then i wont have to sit for it !!! . Ok so he has time to help me with my mats .. I need to brush up on that like fast .. Not major tutoring just when i need help i will come to u and u can help me ... !!! please pretty please !! haha

Oh ya last of all i would like to wish all my friends especially the malays ..

Selamat Hari Raya / Happy Hari Raya ( lol) haha

Friday, August 28, 2009


Missions camp was awesome .. .. We learnt alot about missions . But more about bible translation.. The team from wycliffe malaysia came to speak .. If u dont know who they are .. They are basically a association of missionaries who go around the world translating bibles into the peoples languages .. Did u know that there are more than 6000 languages in the world and wycliffe has translated more than 100 languages .We played a few cool games . Like the bible translating game where we were devided into two groups .one had to travel to another groups native land a learn their language.It was actually a made up language and we had to list down the translation for some words in english . One group was called the dim dims and the other was the weawes .. and the other group was suppose to act like they cant speak english or malay .. The only word they could understand was apa ini ? . So it was coool la .. We had to point to stuff like the right hand , nose , mouth .. And we found out that the other team would hit us with a rolled up paper when we laugh because they wanted to cast out the evil spirits from us haha .. But Nydelene kept hitting us for fun .. And they said words like Im a Cow ( while smelling our hand) hahah and we have to reply Im a cow too . and when they wanted to say farewell they said Sock it to me .. if u want to know wat im a cow means try doing it to either : Adriel, florence, audrey , selena , luke , nydelene , me , lynelle , iris or pastor benny mun .. Than they will tell u wat it means .. haha ! In the end we found out that they didnt like us and kicked us out of their land .. Haha The trip was such a memorable trip .. I loved it so much .. I loved the 2 nights when we slept after 12 on the first night because we kept chit chatting and the second night when we stayed until 3 because of chit chating too ... I am totally gonna sign up for the next missions camp !!other than that i found out that selena is actually deaf .. She blasts her music damn loud.. Anand really loves too act like a kid , same goes to cedric and josh who were making so much of noise during one session and scorring all the candies .. We all love to disturb audrey by calling her name and when she says wat we just say hi .. It has become a misions camp the first ,tradition . Adriel can eat so much , just like a cow whithout even getting fat .. That explains it no wonder he says im a cow .. Haha .. It was a total bummer that no one got sabo -ed .. I brought extra toothpate .. We were all actually plotting to sabo adriel .Then after that we wanted
to sabo anand .. Even ps hock cheng gave us his approval .. But we didnt and couldnt because he went home in the night .. Lee anne is a teeth brushing freak .. and is afraid of ghost ... futhermore , SHE THIKS CEDRIC IS CUTE . Other than that me , iris and luke went to the genting theme park and our van got stuck in teh indoor carpark because it was to tall .. So some indian dudes came into the van and sat and then it went down after deflating the tyre .. But we didnt get to go on anyrides because no time .. But we got free ice cream treat from uncle bEnny .. tnx UNCLE Benny .. On the way back home we stopped at gotong jaya for mamak and florence dared luke to say hello im a cow to a stranger .. But he only sayed hello and chickened out .. Florence was dared to say to a guy that i think u look very pretty and guess wat she actually did it ..She did it to an old man outside the mamak and he smiled at her .. And on the way back florence and luke were saying hi to random people in the car .. Florence in the end won .. There was this guy who gave a shocked face and then smiles.. I loved the trip so much that i miss it already ..

Ps sorry florence for stealing ur pics .. I couldnt resist ..

Monday, August 3, 2009


I am so desperate to get the MTV World Stage tickets .. Who has it , do u have it .. I want It , I need it .. If u have it give it to me please !!!!! I don't usually beg like this u know !!!

Ok so i came across this site where this dude is giving a ticket away if i promote his contest and tell why i want the tickets for him can enter the contest too , you know , but if u win , im totally gonna kill u , hahaha just kiddin . haha so here it is :

The website for the contest : Just click the word desperosity!!! its the link !

Why i want the passes ?

because i really love the all american rejects and ofcourse boys like girls !!! hahah their just awesome !.. and it will be totally awesome to go for the MTV world stage thingy . No one seems to be giving the tickets out so , I would gladly just beg and rely on just about anyone , or enter thousands of contests just for these tickets !!!!

Please Save me my sweat and blood please and give me these tickets!!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Hmmm yay me ! I was just bummin around surfin the net and then i came across that gummy bear song on youtube , so i went to the uploaders page and i saw videos of this band .. They are called the heys ... Its quite cool .. Check it ..

1. Preassure - i love this pepepepreassure

2. Friday Night

3. Young Bored and Broke

Gummy Bear

Hey ! i found this crazy funny gummy bear song online ... lalalala ... Its funny ! .. the words hahah im a gummy bear , a gummy bear .. Hahaha .. just check it out .

Heres the Words:

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear
Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear!
Oh, I'm a Yummy, Chummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear.
Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear,
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear

Oh Yeah!

Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Three times you can bite me

(Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!]

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear
Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear!
Oh, I'm a Yummy, Chummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear.
Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear,
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear

Oh Yeah!

Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Three times you can bite me

(Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!]

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear
Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear!
Oh, I'm a Yummy, Chummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear.
Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear,
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear

Oh Yeah!

Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Three times you can bite me

(Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!]

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear
Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear!
Oh, I'm a Yummy, Chummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear.
Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear,
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear

Oh Yeah!

Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Haha Duba duba yum yum
Three times you can bite me

(Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!]

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

15 Things I want to do before 30

I have just thought of an idea . Im gonna make a list of 15 things i want to do or have done by 30 . My goal is to do at least half the list . Here it is :

1. Climb mount kinabalu ..(hmm that sounds dangerous , maybe just half the mountain or maybe whole thing haha i dont know )

2.Get married before 30 ( maybe mostly likely not gonna happen , will it ?)

3.Teach in a school ( hhmmmm that will be fun to do )

4.Work in a restaurant or bakery or something where i can cook ( make sure you come and try the ok .. )

5. Travel somewhere and build a snow men .. ( haha i always wanted to do that)

6.Be in a movie or commersial ( most likely not gonna happen)

7. Watch tv for 10 hours straight ( hmm that sounds fun )

8.Have a food party where we will cook lots and lots of dishes , desserts, and main meals and have fun eating all of it .. muahaha ( i better prepare my belly for that day )

9.Travel to my favourite 6 countries : England, America, France, Australia ,Africa and Egypt
( point of information , i have never been outside of malaysia haha and i have only been to 4 states in malaysia : pahang, selnagor , negeri sembilan and kuala lumpur , sad isnt it )

10.See a giraffe( that will be cool)

11. Solve a rubbiks cube ( i have never ever solved one haha )

12. Ride in a limousine.( that will be totally awesome)

13.Learn italian or spanish . ( woohooo.. )

14.Publish a book ( make sure you all read ok hahah)

15.Do extreme shopping with friends in Singapore ( atleast hmmm RM 200 , the most RM 500)

Haha hope u enjoyed my list i will come up wit another one for me to accomplish before 20 soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The crazy thing about paroimia

The crazy thing about Paroimia is that i miss it so much .. All the fun times .. Ahhh Memories .. The crazy make up was cool .. I miss all the hand games we plyed and card games . The jokes were the best .. I miss u guys so much .. I hope paroimia will get out in to the streets .. am praying really hard .. Many of yall go to college so i don really see ya at church =( .. Hope we could all hang out .. ohhh ya i 4 got we are .. its this sunday .. the dinner at daniellles housee yay ..buts thats a story for another day ... aww mr .quinn =)


OMG .. Exams are coming . its just around the corner .. I am totally not understanding mats .. ( high 5s to all mats haters )... Sejarah is usual facts facts and more facts .. English is totally easy peasy lemon squezzy ..I need help my brain is almost burstin out all that info in my head .. I hope i can make it through this exam .. Help Me !!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Paraimia - the practices

jared and his smile

Daniele and her smiley ish face

Putting make up on cristian

Iris and her sis

Pearly and Annabella


Cristian looks like a humanish ape =) haha no offense

Raymond and his thinking look

Danielle trying to look scary but just cant haha

me and christina

Me and Christina !!

Candice looks like Padme Amedila From STAR WARS

Me and Gloria

Rose the Crazyy Cool Pastor

Jasmine and me = Jasmins very polka dotty shirt
the memories of paroimia .=)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hey !!!

Hey guys there is this play at my church !!! called paroimia- which means parable in greek .. Its basically a really modern version of Jesus story .. It is on the 17,18,24 and 25th of april at 8-10 at FGA Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Kuchai Lama .. If u want to know more u can email me lah .. i have the map and flyer if u want i can email it to ya . if u want

Somethings You Didnt Know?

In the 1400's a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have "the rule of thumb"

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

Men can read smaller print then women can; women can hear better.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska

The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000

A rat can last longer without water than a camel.

Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.

The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and
down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.

Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

A 2 X 4 is really 1-1/2" by 3-1/2".

During the chariot scene in "Ben Hur," a small red car can be seen
in the distance (and Heston's wearing a watch).

On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily!
(That explains a few mysteries....)

Sherlock Holmes NEVER said, "Elementary, my dear Watson."

Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.

The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per
side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.

There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange,
purple and silver.

Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space
because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.

The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

Weatherman Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald.

If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will
instantly go mad and sting itself to death. (Who was the sadist who
discovered this??)

Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to s-l-o-w film down
so you could see his moves. That's the opposite of the norm.

The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in
the USA."

The original name for butterfly was flutterby.

The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which
stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player
for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.

Roses may be red, but violets are indeed violet.

By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot
sink into quicksand.

Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a
piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin
look-alike contest.

An old law in Bellingham, Washington, made it illegal for a woman
to take more than three steps backwards while dancing!

The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book
most often stolen from public libraries.

The glue on Israeli postage is certified kosher.

Bats always turn left when exiting a cave!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Me Cookin

I finally got down to cook pasta for my family .So i basicly cut veges and boiled the pasta and added a chicken cube and salt and oyster sauce .. and shredded chicken =). and it totally turned out well .. yay me

The Jason Mraz Concert


I went for Jason Mraz Concert .It was totally awesome. I got 2 free rock stand tickets from an astro online contest.I just did some lala slogan about how channel v and jason mraz is awesome and i won.woah .I and my sister , debbie went and we left my house @ 3 and reached sri petaling at 4.10 and got to stadium negara and 5. something and then we had ramli burger while waiting for the gates to open .We got in at around 7 ish and he came on at around 8.15 .It was a totally awesome concert .His singing. wow his singing was awesome. He sand songs like the remedy and more lah .. i 4 got the name s and he sand lucky with penny someone ..but her voice totally spolt it .ahhhhh .. it was like really horrible .But other than that it was a great and memorable concert. He said that he will definitely be coming back to malaysia ..

Monday, March 2, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

I need help

hey everyone im in a big crisis here :

I need to plan a party or reunion for 20-30 people at pizzahut and the expences per person musnt be more that 10 omg so im in need of help who has the solution like do u have a pizza hut members card or do u know wat to do or wat please email me if u doooo ok =) and please reply by the 25th of feb coz the party is on the 28th

Sunday, February 8, 2009

So heres the answers for the simpsons guess thing ?

Check This Video Out !

just click the check this video out thing to see it =)

Just a Little Game =)

So What u have to do is spot the members of the simpsons family in the who picture and the results will come out soon with the people circled 0k.

Friday, February 6, 2009

How to dismantle a tire and put it back =)

So my moms car tire got punctured and my dad didnt wanna bring it a shop to do it , so he did it himself . So heres wat he did ... !!! =)
The Tools
Doin it

Without a tire
After Name Acronym

Joe and Lil Li's Wedding

The table i sat at and the people
Darren and his erm professor face
Debbie singing
Danielle and Sarah
Me and Lil Li
Jeshu, Brian and me (ps i think jeshu is
to tal, don u think )
Daphne ,Esther and me

Danielle 's Omg shocked face

Friday, January 16, 2009

My New Years Resolution

woo hooo 2009 is here .. say good bye 2008 hello 2009 .. well ok so here is my new years resolution, wat i have figured out so far

1. get better grades in school
2. learn more stunts
3. do the split
3. read a book
4. publish a book (haha like thats gonna happen)

Friday, January 2, 2009

instead of sending me the answer for the game below.. u can send it to me by email.. ok

The Guessing game

ok .. i have a game for .. u guess who r the people .. below.. the person who sends me a comment wit the most correct answers will get a present from me.. if i see that person i will give him or her a delicious chocolate bar or a bag of chips but if not i will give him or her something else...

results will coem out in a month or so..wen u give me the answer.just number the pictures according to which is first and second and so on..the 1st picture is one, 2nd picture is 2 and so on lah..